Tskhum-Abkhazian Academy of Sciences will held the International Scientific Conference: “The Main Problems and Challenges of the Economic Development in the Modern World” on June 18-19, 2023.
The Conference Organization Committee
Temur Chilachava – chairman
Emzar Kakulia- vice -chairman
Malkhaz Gvinjilia – vice-chairman
Nino Kavtaradze – coordinator
George Pochkhua – coordinator
The Conference Scientific Committee
Prof. Temur Chilachava
Prof. Gia Kavtelishvili
Prof. Temur Shengelia
Prof. Emzar Kakulia
Prof. Malkhaz Gvinjilia
Prof. Nazira Kakulia
Prof. Anzor Abralava
Prof. Giorgi Tsaava
Prof. Nino Kavtaradze
Prof. Vakhtang Charaia
Prof. Niko Kvaratskhelia
Thematic Sections
The Russia-Ukraine war impact on the global and the Georgian economy
The economic and tourism potential of Abkhazia and its role and importance in the economic development of Georgia
The main financial, macroeconomic, microeconomic difficulties of the Georgian economy and the ways of their elimination
Business Administration:
Globalization and actual problems of the business
Tax policy
Finance and Investment
Tourism and sustainable development
Tourism management and marketing
Potential for tourism in Abkhazia
Innovation and tourism
Conference date and time: June 18th (9:00 am)
Tbilisi City Tour: June 19th
To participate in the conference, you must send an article on e-mail: conference@taas.ge (please, write your: academic position, degree, phone number)
Acceptance of scientific papers is carried out until May 20, 2023
Indexing a collection of scientific papers:
Each collection is assigned a digital object identifier DOI
Published works are indexed by Google Scholar
Materials are accepted in Microsoft Word format (*.doc, or *.docx)
Article language: English
Presentation language: Georgian, English
Primary requirements (the article that do not meet all requirements below will be returned to author or immediately rejected):
page orientation portrait
document margins: top – 2 cm, bottom – 2 cm, left 2.5 cm, right -2.5 cm
font: Times New Roman, Font Size 12 (English)
line spacing: single (1.5)
Article size: no less than 5 pages and no more than 8 pages.
The order of placing information in the article:
article title (center, bold, font size 14. Caps Lock)
align left- full name of the author(s), co-author(s), bold, font size 12, academic title, academic degree, work place, position, e-mail
abstract in English (150-200 words, font size 12); abstract in Georgian (Sylfaen, 150-200 words, font size 12, only for Georgian participants)
keywords (up to 5 words, Italic, font size 12)
main text of the article: justified alignment, paragraph indent 1.25 cm
list of sources (mandatory). The list of references should be arranged according to the order of citation in the text. When verifying an article, citation of the literature is required in the main text (usually at the end of the paragraph) in square brackets
To participate in the conference, you must send an article for consideration to the editorial board on e-mail: conference@taas.ge.
Participation in the conference: Physical.
The articles will be reviewed up to May 25, 2023.
After receiving the approval from the editorial board you must pay the organizational fee of the conference:
Each author will receive conference participant certificate.
Conference participants will be provided with:
Free Wi-Fi
Conference materials
Access to all conference sessions
Opportunity to publish article in the Conference Proceedings Book
Tea/Coffee and Snacks during the Conference
For Euro Transfer
Intermediary Bank: Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt, Germany, SWIFT: COBADEFF
Beneficiary’s Bank: JSC TBC Bank
Bank Code: TBCBGE22
Beneficiary’s Account: GE73TB7718236120100008
Name of Beneficiary: N.N.L.E. Tskhum-Abkhazian Academy of Sciences
Noted: Please, in the description write conference participant’s Name and Surname
The payment currency: GEL and EUR
Conference Venue: Georgian National University (SEU), 9 Tsinandali Str., Tbilisi, Georgia, https://www.seu.edu.ge/en
Conference Coordinators
Nino Kavtaradze – Tel: (+995) 558 577 577
Gia Pochkhua – Tel: (+995) 555 720 505