International Scientific and Practical Conference “DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING”

26th December 2021

Tbilisi, Georgia

Conference organizers: International Scientific and Pedagogical Organization of Philologists “West-East” ISPOP

Institute of Russian Language and Literature of the Tskhum-Abkhazian Academy of Sciences (Tbilisi, Georgia)

The conference goals: in the context of the pandemic, to unite foreign language teachers, to exchange experiences, to develop scientific and methodological, practical skills and integrate digital technologies into the learning process

The conference was attended by speakers from 8 countries: Croatia, Poland, Italy, Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia.

The President of the Tskhum-Abkhazian Academy of Sciences (Georgia) – Prof. Temur Chilachava and acting director of the Institute of Russian Language and Literature of the Tskhum-Abkhazian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Director of the International Scientific-Pedagogical Organization of Philologists ISPOP (Georgia) – Zoia Adamia made a welcoming speech

At the plenary session the speakers were:

Irena Mikulacio (Croatia), Anna Romanik (Poland), Svetlana Kamysheva (Russia), Anatoliy Tryapelnikov (Russia), Stanislav Lauk-Dubitskiy (Russia), Elena Shirina (Belarus), Antonia Pencheva (Bulgaria), Olesya Baltak (Italy)

In two sections in Russian and in English took part: Irina Mileva (Ukraine), Victoria Diasamidze (Georgia), Zoia Adamia (Georgia), Natalia Kochladze (Georgia), Elena Belikova (Ukraine), Svetlana Dytyuk (Ukraine), Olga Teslovskaya (Ukraine), Khatia Khatiashvili (Georgia), Marina Komina (Ukraine), Leila Diasamidze (Georgia), Rusudan Gogokhia (Georgia), Maia Marghania (Georgia), Irina Kruashvili (Georgia), Nino Tsulaia (Georgia), Maia Aghania (Georgia)

The 5th International Scientific Conference “Application of Mathematics and Informatics in Natural Sciences and Engineering” was held on June 16-18, 2021 on the Zoom platform. 19 reports will be made: Germany-2; Italy-4; France-1; Hungary-1; Luxembourg-1; Georgia-10: TSU (Razmadze and Vekua Institutes)-5; GTU (Muskhelishvili Institute)-3; Sokhumi State University-1; University of Georgia-1.

President of the Tskhum-Abkhazian Academy of Sciences Temur Chilachava and his doctoral student George Pochkhua made a report: “Research of a Three-Dimensional Dynamic System Describing the Process of Aassimilation”.

On April 21-23, 2021, using Zoom platform, a scientific conference was held dedicated to the 114th anniversary of the birth of academician Ilia Vekua.

April 22 at the section „Mathematical modeling and computational mathematics“ a report was made „Mathematical modeling of explosive processes in nonhomogeneous gravitating gas bodies“.

Temur Chilachava, Nato Kakulia (Sokhumi State University, sp. mathematics, 4th year).

The 8th International Conference on System Modeling and Optimization, ICSMO 2020

Barcelona, Spain, February 12-15, 2020

In Tbilisi on September 22-23, 2019 acad. Ilia Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, an international scientific conference was held

The Fourth International Conference on Applications of Mathematics and Informatics in Natural Sciences and Engineering, AMINSE 2019

where on 23 September the report was made

Temur Chilachava, Nestan Kekelia, George Pochkhua

Nonlinear mathematical models of settlement of political conflicts and problems of minimization of resources

Foreign mathematicians Alice Fialowski (Hungary), Rolf Jeltsch (Switzerland), Ayech Benjeddou (France), Bernadette Miara (France) attended the report together with georgian mathematicians.

On August 3 in Tbilisi, in Old Tbilisi hotel under the auspices of the International Organization “The International Society for Human Rights (ISHR, German: Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte, IGFM) ” the International Conference “Information warfares. Human rights” took place, on which with the scientific report “Information warfares. Modern vision” vice-prezident Tskhum-Abkhazian Academy of Sciences Temur Chilachava acted.

International Conference on Differential & Difference Equations and Applications, ICDDEA 2019

Lisbon, Portugal, July 1-5, 2019

The 8th International Conference on Applied Analysis and Mathematical Modeling, ICAAMM 2019

Istanbul, Turkey, 10-13 March, 2019